Welcome to ActDBI

AI Insights

A View of ActDBI Analytics Center

Informed decisions through Analytics and AI Insights

Flexible Agile Models:  Offering affordable analytical solutions with open-source frameworks and using best-in-class customer specific enterprise technologies.

Intelligent Control Tower: Advanced data analytics to provide real-time insights and automate routine tasks.

Role based Analytics: Intuitive and effective digital solutions, fostering a more personalised and productive user experience.

Dedicated AI & GenAI RnD Team: Focused RnD across diverse industries for latest advancements in AI driving commitment to excellence.

Analytics-as-a-service: Access to powerful insights, domain, & technology expertise for companies of all sizes, without the need for significant upfront investments

Interesting Facts


Data driven Ready to use analytics components


Innovative AI/ML open-box use cases


Improved Business KPIs / OKRs


Significant R&D Investments in AI & GenAI

Key Features

👉🏻 Demand Sensor

Predictive Analytics and AI/ML-driven forecasts to anticipate customer needs with remarkable precision

👉🏻 Margin Analyser

Actionable insights on material costs, sell prices, discounts to plan profits and analyze margin erosion

👉🏻 360-Degree Analytics

Diagnosis of Sales, Product, and Customer Performance for holistic view of business health

👉🏻 Smart Summary

Leveraging AI/ML and GenAI techniques for interpreting data, charts, and insights

👉🏻 Natural Language Processing (NLP) for clustering & segmentation

Deep insights into product & customer demographics, prioritisation across needs of specific segments to enhance overall performance.

Future-Proof your Digital Transformation and AI Investments with us

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